Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Valentine's Day 2017

   Thanks Daddy!!


Calico Critter Present from Gan Gan!!

Thanks Babe

She's loved
 I love you, beautiful Valentine!


Love shelves to store your toys. Makes playing fun and organized
Congratulations Justin and Joey!!


Calico Critter Party!!!
 With Mary Grace and Abigail 

Gave Stella some watered down Coke. She said
But Mom,
Can I have one that gives me a burnie ...?

Stella said she wanted to go swing
 I told her it was too wet she said :
"water doesn't hurt you mom so if you have a problem let's talk about it and make a plan"
(Daniel Tiger says that)


Kilwins with Brock & Aidan


"Was Joseph's dad, Jacob, able to get the blood out of the coat of many colors- in the dishwasher?"
๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ’‰๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿ‘•
-Stella  Age3

 Jude and Stella on the Trump Train

 Bethany And Asher just a swingin 



Blast at Lilly's Paint Party!!



 Little City Slicker



Pretty Princesses๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’™

Happy Birthday, Tanya!!

Mom does Neve start with N?
I said "Neve??"
She said Like Adam and Neve 
