Monday, December 5, 2016

Stella’s Funnies

We sold our house and moved into a house to flip, while we build. 
It had been abandoned 3 years so it was musky 
Stella said "this house stinks Rhino"
Lol the Rhinos at the zoo stink!
23 months 

You said "Donald Trump is so funny. Sit down" because he told reporters to sit down and we laughed. Haha

I showed her a clip of Mary Grace singing. She said Mary Grace was pretty, crazy, and wild!
22 months 

You know all of your colors. 23 months

You put a ball in your shirt and said Nay Nay (Aunt Renee is expecting)..

On the way to eat she said daddy was cray cray :)) lol
23 months 

Stella said this was Papa Gan Gan and Stella 

She was in her toy car.  We walked in. She said "What's Up Guys?"
23 months 

You say-  "Where are you Bruddy James" when we pull up to be church HA!

Today at Cracker Barrel you were dancing.  Then you stopped. We said Dance Stella. You said "Waiting on the song." The music had stopped. Lol ( 23 months)

You scratched your knee at the park. When asked "what happened" by papa, you told him
"A mouse bit my knee"

A man was mowing across the street. You said "that man is working so hard" 23 months 

When we got to Branson, you said "Yay Branson! The beach!!"

We went to the acrobats of China in Branson. A week later, 10/6 she lifted her leg almost above her head and said "Chinese Boys"

You told us you wanted to go eat at "Crappy Barrel"

23.5 months: Stella got frustrated with her princess shoe and threw it. 
I was putting on my dress, and 
I gave her a stern 
she said in the softest voice,
"Your dress so pretty mommy. Your dress so Pretty"

Oh how I love this! 

We pulled up to Benihana's and you said "Rice in Stella's mouth"
You held your baby doll up to the Angel in the sanctuary and said "Don't be scared of the angel baby" haha you're scared of it. 

Brought me Mickey Mouse and said he wanted to go to Target
Yes we went 

I was trying to read my Bible
Stella wanted me to play
She came and closed it up and said 
"The End"

Breaking the Law!

Said the baby needed mummy's phone lol
(Thanks Nana for the doll)

The fish food stinks. I opened it and you said "the fish tooted" LOL

2 years old
My parent's neighbors have a dog named "Flip". Stella went outside and said, "Flip! come here boy!"πŸ˜‚ they gave him a treat he would not eat it she said, "Flip is so lazy"

2 years 
I was reading Stella Jonah and the whale     the photo of him in the boat she said "Jonah at the lake house"

11-12-15 : We drove to the lot.. We didn't get out though. As we left Stella said
"I wanted to see the view" 

Told Nana she was a wild woman!!

I poured some milk, came back to finish the rest of it and found this at the bottom of my glass. Blue Plato. Thank you Stella

You told me 
"Mom give me that Coke right now!"
You don't realize it doesn't work both ways.  

After being in Branson two weekends, every time we get in the car you say "let's go to a show" 

Dec 2015
When asked if she wanted to go to the church to pray she said "not yet"

When asked if she had a dirty diaper she said
"No just toots"

I hugged Justin   Stella fell in the floor and said
"I hurt my everything"

Daddy was trying to take something from you.  You said 
" Daddy look at your phone "

I was pretending like I was taking the baby doll's picture with a toy camera. Stella got behind me and started jumping up-and-down and telling the baby "woo hoo   say cheese lookey here! Whoooo"

Was getting onto Stella for something and she said "I have to go mom; I have to go to Target"

12/26 5:00 pm- No nap all day. Her eyes were about to shut. Papa said, "Go in and get some sleep, then we will come back and play."
With eyes almost shut, Stella said:
"Sounds good"

I told Stella,

I am gonna miss you. We are gonna be gone for 2 days
She said,
"And 40 nights" 


Stella put  at a cracker in my mouth and said 
"now don't choke"

I got onto her and she ran into the living room and said
 "I gotta go cry"

(And did)

February 6, 2015
Stella  Was playing with a toy and she would not let Justin play with it 
I said why can daddy not play with it
She said
Because he's not Donald trump 

Gan Gan - Stella pick up those crumbs.  Stella- No I need a break

Woke up stretched, yawned, and said "Oh Me" 

Faked a call to Me - 
"Hi mommy. I don't think so. I don't want to mind."

"He's not a monkey" (Frankie's)

March 2016 (2years old)
Stella spanked the soldiers at the church on that sign and said 
"don't you hurt my Jesus"

Sister Gordillo gave her a piece of candy, a kind Stella had never had before. She had it in her mouth one second and 
Mmmm  my favorite

March 12, 2016
Stella was asleep and Justin and I were talking.  She woke up & said.   "Mom y'all are getting on my nerves" 

Brought to me for a midnight snack
Raw hamburger meet 

Yesterday she said

Hurry open the door. The big bad wolf is on my curly tail 

March 2016

April 2016
I ask Stella if she wanted some cereal she said "Of course!!" 

Stella has been telling the story of Goldilocks and the three little bears. When putting diaper rash cream on her 
She said
"Mom, this cream feels just right!"

Saying our prayers tonight she said "and thank you Jesus for Gan Gan's iPhone"

April 2016
Girls wear skirts and boys wear pants. Colby told me that. They're at TJ Maxx

Stella said
Then Peter said unto them
The Lord our God is one Lord

Stella revised the story of Adam & Eve. She said 
and eve kicked that snake into the water

Called her Legos "Let it Go's" (Frozem)

And God shut the mouth of that snow monster (Daniel & Frozen)

Thought berenstain Bears, Clifford big red dog and little critter would all be at Disney World 

Mr Shmee on Peter Pan was in his boat - Stella said "he's going to Tarshish"

May 2016
I was cleaning up Stella's toy room and I was trying to take a toy from her 
she said:

you can't have it 
you can't have it 
you can't 
you can't 
you can't have it

πŸ˜³πŸ™ˆπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸŽΆ⛪️ (song we sing at church) 

She was up until 12:45 am.  She wanted my phone I told her we had to go to sleep 
she told me 
don't  be like the wicked stepmother

"That's Bro Pomeroy"

Colby is wearing his Prince Panties AKA Boy underwear haha

From Gan Gan
We were playing with these lil dolls. Mine told hers, I love ur outfit. Where did ur mom get it. She said eBayπŸ˜πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


June 2016
Sharon took Stella to Tazikis
Stella asked to go to Claires
As they walked down there Stella said
" It's ok you don't have to buy me anything. I know u don't have any money right now "

Belinda said
 "if I have another boy I do not know what I would name him. "
Stella chimed in our conversation and said 
"Shadrach Meshach Abednego"

I spanked Stella
She was crying & said
"I need to go to the hospital"

Stella told her daddy he was a prince and she was a princess. She proceeded to tell him, "daddy you're not beautiful"

Stella woke up and said
"Mom lets go weigh" haha

Stella was scared of Brock's new dog. When we got out to the car she said
" Poor Oby, he's just nervous "

After being in Branson three days without daddy -- you came home and told him 
"I almost missed you Daddy"

You said my eyes were blue in your eyes were "hot blue" (like hot pink) haha 

Brock got stung!! he was getting attention 
So Stella said "I have a headache and my back"

July 2016

Tonight Stella passed the ice cream machine
She said she wanted some ice cream. 
We said "it's not on"
She tightened her eyebrows and said
"Turn it on, God"πŸ™πŸ»πŸ¦

July 2016
Justin opened a box w lights
Stella got the paper out and said:

Dad you need to read the instructions 
(He changed 81 of them) 

I told Stella I loved her and she said 

"you are the best mommy in the world my darling sunshine"

And I was showing my sister our bathroom at the new house. Stella said :
"Yeah & look at this grout!"

Stella called my mom and said
"Do you want to go to Frankies or Lubys?" πŸ‘΅πŸΌπŸ˜‚
Odd 2 year old!!!?

Stella is telling Adam and Eve. She said 
"Then Eve told the snake
No I have to take a basket of food to grandma"

I was singing a Veggie Tales song & Stella asked
"Is that a Classic Song?"

Brock has started Calvary Academy. August 2016 
Brock said
"Mom, I like how we go over and pray at 9:00 in the morning. It helps us not get in trouble and sin all day."

Today we told Stella that my dad was getting a haircut 
she said "which salon is he going to"πŸ˜‚πŸ’—✂️πŸ™†πŸΌ

 Nana had four teeth pulled 
Stella wanted to take her some flowers. She said "when I give Nana the flowers, I hope she has good manners."

Stella had taken a picture with Max. But he kept jumping. 

Then today, three days later, she said "Max kept messing up my picture. He kept jumping. That was a very sneaky thing to do"

Talk about bed-head

Stella turned them all around and said they wanted to show their booties

This was in her sleep!!

Told Bro James, "Hey Big Boy!" 

Went and put on wool fox mittens to match mommy's garden gloves (90 degree weather)..

The sky was pink and blue. Stell said, "God put the pink in it for me"

Stella  was asking me where everyone works. I said, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" She said, "a dentist and a soldier"
Haha 10/24/16

McDonald's = Big Donald's 

Sometimes when Stella is pouting
I'll say, "Don't you smile. You better not smile"
To make her smile and get over it..
Well I was getting on to her today ab me having to tell her repeatedly to stop doing things, etc
She grinned and pointed at  me and said,
"You better not smile."

"Scoot back so it doesn't splash you. It feels like a kinder surprise egg"


"Pull up in Condo "there we go"



Stella said
"I wish I wasn't too nosy"

For Christmas Stella told papa she didn't want any
"Mustard, pickle, lettuce, onion, and no horse radish"

Playing house she had the doctor ask, "Who has a kidney stone?"

"Some little girls don't know how to say na-Tiffany scene."

Looking around in the toy room I said- 
"Stella, look at all these toys- God is so good to you."
She said, "Yes he is a good Savior."
     Fah-Squitah (mosquito)
   Fah-member (remember)

"Some little girls don't know how to say Escalade "


Gave Stella clementine and grapes 
She said

"Ok so these are my options "

This is how Stella reads her Bible
She reads it like this

And God loves us 1 and 4 and John and Peter 2 and 4 and Daniel in the lions den 5 and 8 and we love God 8 and 10


I gave Stella some watered down Coke.  She said
But Mom - can I have some that gives me a burnie?

Stella said she wanted to go swing
 I told her it was too wet she said 
"water doesn't hurt you mom so if you have a problem let's talk about it and make a plan"
(Daniel Tiger says that)

"Was Joseph's dad, Jacob, able to get the blood out of the coat of many colors- in the dishwasher?"
πŸ‘ πŸ’‰πŸŒˆπŸ‘•

Mom does Neve start with N?
I said "Neve??"
She said, "Like Adam and Neve" πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚



Stella asked me was I simple minded.

At Park Stone Place, she wanted to sing "the Holy Ghost will take the chicken out of you"

I helped Stella  with her shoe. She said -
"Thank you, I am very pleased."

 Stella Told Candy
"Only trashy girls talk about poo poo"


Stella asked my dad tonight

 do y'all have any funerals or anything tomorrow?

my dad said no 

she said OK then I'm spending the night


Stella wasn't wanting to go to church this am😬
She said does the church just have a drive thru 
πŸ™ˆπŸ˜¬πŸ˜΅πŸ˜‚ ⛪️πŸš— πŸ’¨ 

Stella said 
Let's just go to mcdonalds bc I'm tired of cooking.  

Stella slept 1.5 hour nap.  She woke up and said "Why did you lay me down?? I wasn't sleepy!!"

She said she wasn't gonna hide her light under a bushel bc Fire Ants!! 



Stella was w my parents all day. She just got home.   
She told me she was trying to miss me but she couldn't do it

Stella said the windows were wet as eagle eyes 

Playing school with Stella.... 
she was he teacher.  
I answered all my questions, (correctly)
She Said you get an F because your attitude


And she was talking about Goldilocks and the three bears. She said -

"She went in their house when they were not home.... She sounds a bit pushy" (Age 3)

Said she was marrying Rush Limbaugh (Age 3)

Stella  wanted her outfit  to look like Beatrice and her hair in a little  up-do (Age 3) 

"There is gonna be cornbread in heaven"
Stella Age 3

Stella said when God caused it to hail on pharaoh and the people of Egypt--- it ruined all their mums 
(Age 3)

We ate Asian food for Jana's party, Plus garlic at Olive Garden for lunch. 
Stella just told me

"Mom your breath smells like Candlewick"

"Cream in the Hole"

Dec 2017

Cat House/ball

Stella got a gift and said 

mom can I open it or are we regifting?

4 Years Old
Playing Salon - Stella said the name of her Salon was "Fuzzy Updos" πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

She asked me who I thought going to beat at Candyland. I said I know who is going to beat. His name is spelled p  a  p  a. She said no, it’s spelled p  o  p. Then, she told mama “He just needs a little learning”.

Stella couldn't reach her sunglasses. I said it's not sunny anyway.  
She said
I just need them to look good
I already have on lip gloss 

It was 11:30 pm.  Papa was sleepy and told Stella to look at his eyes. How they were so sleepy and could they go to bed. She said 
    yeah but look at mine and opened them as wide as she couldπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Stella and I playing dolls. 
 teacher what do I do if my friend is mean and made fun of me and left me out
 Stella as the teacher:
Throw a hard bucket in their face 

We saw Gerber daisies at Walmart and I asked if she wanted to get some for aunt Candy
She said
They look kinda Pitiful 

Stella kept wanting to talk.  I was like it's bed time, it's bed time..
She said "i just wanna talk to you ab decorating."
Age 4 (Little politician)πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Stella was looking around the room πŸ‘€ 
Saying "I cld eat the whole couch. I could eat the whole chair. I could eat the whole coffee table."
Then she looked at my face and said:
"I could eat eye bags" 

Stella said-
"So you can't french braid, you can just Arkansas braid?"

My stomach growled and Stella said the baby was saying it wanted Shipleys or tater tot's with cheese (Age 4) 

My dad was asking Stella Bible questions 
He said "And who was in the lion's Den?"

She said, "Daniel, and before him was Belshazzar."
(Accurate) age 4

Stella Said she wants to be a "Doctor Decorator"
And that's where you go around to people's hospital rooms and make them cheerful like with yellow painted stripes, fresh flowers like Gerber daisies , rainbows, scriptures, fruit baskets and candy 
Seems legit 🀷🏼‍♀️πŸ˜„

I have two freckles on my belly button. My bellybutton is flattening out due to being 26 weeks pregnant. Stella saw the two freckles and said "I think I see his eyes"

Justin needed black trash bags at a house he is flipping. 
I was in the middle of cooking. 
I was talking out loud to myself and said 
"Who cld I get to take him Some" (thinking my
Mom Or haley may be out)
Stella said "LEAH!!"
she hears me say Leah wld do anything for me 😘😘😘😘♥️♥️♥️
(PS haley is taking them)

I took a pic of Cash on a white blanket
She said “mom!!! Are you selling him on eBay????” 😫😫

(I sell all my items w white back ground )

Barbie had “Bald-adda -Tosis”

Age 5
Stella said; “That cloud looks like either a butterfly or a pair of lungs.”

She wrote a song and it said you are my best friend you copy me like a parrot you follow me like a wheelchair. Age 5

Jack & the beanstalk had the same outfit on after they used up all the gold. Stella said why did he not find himself a new outfit when he had all that money?

I said it would be neat after you have a baby to go to a place for manicure pedicure, facial, eyebrows waxed, etc. and Stella said 
"yeah and they can give you some Spanx" πŸ˜‚
Age 5

Stella said with her $30 offering she thinks brother Holmes will give it to the poor so they can have food toys and wine
Age 5

Stella was telling a scary ghost story. She said a bad storm came and the girl lost power, she lived in Jacksonville.

Stella said she was going to give two dollars in the offering on Tuesday night and three dollars on Sunday night because Sunday night was dressy. 

Age 6
Stella had hamburger steak for the first time today at Calvary Academy. She told me it was “amazing”.. The outside was like hush puppy crust and the inside tasted like catfish

Age 6
If you want mozerella sticks and you know it shout “Sonic!”

Uncle Steve is an “ auctioneer “

Age 6
I was out of tape.  Stella said for me to use duct tape. I said no, I need it for wrapping gifts...

She said 
“well it’s not like the governor is gonna see it, Or the queen, or the mayor, or Lori”

Stella was knelt down by me but she would not wash anyone’s feet πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ During foot washing service. 
I said 
Stella why didn’t u wash anyone’s feet?
She said
“I didn’t wanna wash off my glitter lotion.” 

I was explaining to Stella the curse of Adam about the thorns and thistles growing over the ground and the sweat of your face, working for your crops. I said before that - it wasn’t that way 
She said
“So THATS why my watermelon plant died!”

I asked Stella if the dress make me look big, she said “maybe like an inch but not too bad”

Stella Just said can I wear dress dress from Kiehl Avenue..? 
(Saks 5th) (it was on major sale)

Me- “here Stella. Here’s you and Caroline’s kids cheeseburger meals” (at Back Yard Burger)
Caroline- “I’m not hungry”
Stella- “after we spent all that money!!? “

At recess they killed army worms bc they’re “ worthless “ papa told her 

These weddings are “taking up her Saturday’s!!”

Stella wanted a cheeseburger happy meal. She said 
you can say no Ketchup if that makes it less expensive πŸ” πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Age 7

Stella said Brock broke his Nutella bone
Patella (age 8) 

Stella had on a dressy blouse
She said 
“Aunt Candy said I look like Sis. Velveeta Cook in this shirt!” (She meant Belva)🀣🀣 Age 8

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